Systems Engineering is a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating the entire technical effort to the development, validation, and balance systems, products, people and processes to create a satisfactory response to customer needs. Systems engineering handles the product from its early stages to its scrapping. At the initiation stage the systems engineering plan deals with analyzing the requirements and freezing the first requirements with a engineering requirements technique. Later the plan deals with a functional analysis of the system and validation. At this stage a merge of innovative technologies is carried out (which at times add extra risk to the project) and existing technologies to get an appropriate response to customer needs.
The process includes, among other things, components of tradeoffs including cost analysis, performance, time and risks. The design goes through a validation process with plan reviews with the customers. The purpose of these surveys is to verify the need and confirm that the proposed solution meets the need.
The project plan includes a series of pre-determined milestones including performance monitoring linked as part of the managing the system/systems engineering, while measuring the achievements of the project in relation to requirements. As part of the overall plan dismantling into work packages is implemented, time analysis and resources, interfaces management, performance measurement, plan reviews, requirements monitoring, integration, risk safety and quality management, Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), costs plan, maintenance, production, checking, life-cycle cost .
e2eS will provide full service (any plan) or parts according to customer requirements.