Executing the Integration and Product Verification & Validation Plan is a complex process, which combines all possible areas of technical and managerial knowledge requirements. The management aspect is required to synchronize between all project stakeholders, in order to build the first prototype on schedule. The technical aspect requires a team capable of dealing with a variety of technologies in multi-disciplines, mechanics, electronics, control systems, software and more. Integration including experiments and tests prove product performance, verification testing and validation (V & V – Verification & Validation), tests to prove compliance with environmental conditions, lifespan, standards, performing certification tests and approval.
Management integration and demonstrating the product compares ceaselessly to the implementation plan. Thus the performance comparison is carried out to define the requirements of all stakeholders and work content of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), while employing constant corrective action in the disparities identified by the project team.
The Integration, Verification & Validation Plan is dynamic and varies according to the feedback obtained from the execution of project control. Gate Control as achievement verification per check lists in major milestones. Continuous control must also be made between milestones to prevent surprises.
e2eS provides full service management (entire program management) or partial (any work package according to customer requirements).