No magic is incorporated in our activity. It is all based on common practice. End to end Systems offers a full corrective action cycle, mutually conducted with the customer:
- What are the symptoms?
- What are the motivations, needs, capacity, opportunities and who are the key stakeholders?
- What are the desired goals, outcomes are we looking for and their success criteria?
- What is the culture/environment/constrains set/organization structure/policies/regulations/procedures?
- What are the current risks, and what additional risks may be developed?
- What methods will be used?
- Plan the master activities and all their associated work broken down activities, their dependencies, their duration.
- Plan resources required.
- Set responsibilities, authorities and associated operation/organization structure.
- Plan risk management.
- Perform all planned activities, including risk management.
- Manage changes.
- Collect evidence and compare to the set goals and actual to plan.
- Close control loops and assess requirements satisfaction deviations.
- Conclude achievements and lesson learned.
- Recommend/set corrective action for next stage.